Feeling Weird Because of Seasonal Changes?

Feeling Weird Because of Seasonal Changes?

Changing Season Changing Body & Mind With a huge yawn I forced myself out of my comfy chair and cozy blanket where I’d dozed after a busy day. I might as well get ready for bed. I walked into the kitchen to switch off the over-the-sink light and glanced at the...
Fab 15-Minute Healthy Habits for Your Body

Fab 15-Minute Healthy Habits for Your Body

Have you ever wanted to wave a magic wand and fix your body in 15 minutes? I have too, but, unfortunately, it’s never worked for me. Probably not you either.  Body Image When I was a teen, I was obsessed with my body image. Since childhood, I have been overly skinny,...
Food as Medicine, Part 1

Food as Medicine, Part 1

Food as medicine may be a phrase that you’ve heard. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates is credited with saying what God knew all along: “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be food.”  Through much of my life, I have not lived up to that ideal. I grew up...
At Home Winter Workouts

At Home Winter Workouts

Late winter often finds me with flagging spirits and energy. As February turns into the long often dreary month of March (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), I lose my drive for exercise. Doesn’t it seem so much easier to get out and move in the balmy breezes and...

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