Spaces of Grace Body, Soul, and Spirit
On this page, you’ll find blog posts divided into each topic of body, soul, and spirit. At Spaces of Grace, we’re passionate about learning how to care for ourselves in all three ways. Because as women, we’re always caring for others. And if we’re not healthy and strong, we won’t have anything to give. Join us in the conversation. We’d love to hear what’s important to you in your life.
Grow a Potted Plant with Sarah Lewis
Many years ago I dreamed of planting a garden. But I lived in an apartment, was newly married, and had just started a job. It didn't seem like an ideal time. I wish I had known then what I know now. If that is your situation, keep reading! Plant🪴Mama Sarah Lewis...
Skin Care Tips to Glow Your Skin Naturally
I remember when I first started to pay attention to my skin. My 14-year-old inflamed skin was not happy with me. How was I supposed to get through the school day looking like this? Like most women, I rode the rollercoaster of hormones, stress, weather, and food...
7 Essential Tips for Beginners Starting a Workout Routine
In the last body blog post, we learned about renewing our bodies with spring greens. In part two of this three-part series, we will look at how to renew ourselves through exercise--focusing on working out for beginners. We’re happy to welcome fitness expert Sarah...
TimeSavers for Body, Soul, & Spirit
Can we actually "save our time"? And if we can, what are we saving it for? Today on Spaces of Grace, we're talking about time and why it's important not to waste it. We're intrigued by this interesting quote, which makes us consider time from a new perspective. We...
Little Steps To Reach Your Dreams With Beth Jones
What dreams are hiding in your heart? Perhaps they've been languishing for years, or maybe you've just recently discovered them. Either way, today we're encouraging you to bring them into God's light to seek His guidance. Speaker, Author,📚 & Coach Beth Jones To...
Goal Setting
I love goal setting. A couple of times a year I sit down with my planner and a pencil, and I pray over what God would have me accomplish for the coming season. God is also a fan of goals. Proverbs 21:5 says, “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty...
One Little Thing
Elijah was in hiding from wicked King Ahab. This mighty prophet of old delivered the bad news to the king, there would be no rain or dew in Israel for a few years. Then God sent Elijah off to the Brook of Cherith where He used ravens to supply Elijah with food for the...
The Little Things
Have you ever started something new in your life and gone all-in? Whether it was a new diet, an exercise program, or 12 New Year's resolutions, you hit it with enthusiasm … and lasted all of a week. We know. We’ve been there too. We’re now a little older and wiser...
Meaning of the Parables: The Sacred Everyday Words of Jesus
We all love a good story. One that draws us in from the beginning. One where we love to love the hero and love to hate the villain. One where we may even see ourselves in the characters. Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables? Jesus knew the power of stories. He knew some of...
Take Care of Your Body, Soul, and Spirit
Thanks for stopping by. We know your life is busy. You’re taking care of others, like children, spouses, and parents. You probably don’t have much time to call your own. We understand. We’re here to offer resources to help you connect with God and care for yourself body, soul, and spirit – even if you just have a few minutes.