Grow a Potted Plant with Sarah Lewis

Grow a Potted Plant with Sarah Lewis

Many years ago I dreamed of planting a garden. But I lived in an apartment, was newly married, and had just started a job. It didn’t seem like an ideal time. I wish I had known then what I know now. If that is your situation, keep reading! Plant🪴Mama Sarah Lewis...
Skin Care Tips to Glow Your Skin Naturally

Skin Care Tips to Glow Your Skin Naturally

I remember when I first started to pay attention to my skin. My 14-year-old inflamed skin was not happy with me. How was I supposed to get through the school day looking like this? Like most women, I rode the rollercoaster of hormones, stress, weather, and food...
3 Top Ways to Renew Your Body for Spring, Part 1

3 Top Ways to Renew Your Body for Spring, Part 1

My 10-year-old self could sense something different in the air. I inhaled deeply. It smelled like … spring! After several months of a frigid, snowy Michigan winter, my nose told me the seasons were changing. It was a mingling of sun-warmed soggy earth with a hint of...
Feeling Weird Because of Seasonal Changes?

Feeling Weird Because of Seasonal Changes?

Changing Season Changing Body & Mind With a huge yawn I forced myself out of my comfy chair and cozy blanket where I’d dozed after a busy day. I might as well get ready for bed. I walked into the kitchen to switch off the over-the-sink light and glanced at the...
Fab 15-Minute Healthy Habits for Your Body

Fab 15-Minute Healthy Habits for Your Body

Have you ever wanted to wave a magic wand and fix your body in 15 minutes? I have too, but, unfortunately, it’s never worked for me. Probably not you either.  Body Image When I was a teen, I was obsessed with my body image. Since childhood, I have been overly skinny,...

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