Participate in the National Day of Prayer

Participate in the National Day of Prayer

Let’s all pray for the United States by participating in the National Day of Prayer 2022! This annual event is always on the first Thursday of the month, and this year it is on May 5th. The theme is “Exalt the Lord Who Has Established Us” from...
What Is Lectio Divina or Sacred Reading?

What Is Lectio Divina or Sacred Reading?

Reading has always been one of my favorite hobbies. As a child I could pass away an entire summer afternoon while I devoured a book — usually a new Nancy Drew mystery. As a young adult I discovered my passion for nonfiction as I read books to learn a new skill. Once I...
A Little Gift

A Little Gift

She didn’t have much to give.  Since her husband died years ago she was low on everything: money, time, grace, energy. Her gift was so small she had a hard time believing  it would benefit anyone. It was just a little gift.  Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury...
Perfect, establish, strengthen and settle

Perfect, establish, strengthen and settle

I have been a beggar for the grace of God. Empty, wounded, hungry, I’ve come before for him with hands and heart wide open to receive what He’s been dying to give me. Grace, abundant grace for an abundant life. It’s the greatest come-as-you-are-party. Come as...
Fan into Flames

Fan into Flames

“This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.1 Timothy 1:6 God has given each one of us a powerful gift of faith. This gift of faith did not begin with us, but with God. We do not have to worry about...

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