Re-Advent Your Life Advent Devotional

by | Nov 20, 2022 | Spirit | 0 comments


Written by Jane VanOsdol

November 20, 2022

Are you feeling a stirring in your soul for something deeper, something more? Like the brave women of the Bible Mary and Ruth, say yes and let God re-advent your life. 

Advent Devotional for Busy Women

Don’t wait for the perfect unbusy time. It will never happen. We know your days are already full. Many of you are moms with children. Some of you are caregivers for a chronically ill spouse or child. And a lot of you are trying to hold down a job too. So when you combine daily life with the beautiful but busy Christmas season, your time seems to… just disappear. You struggle to stay connected to God in the whirl of holiday plans and activities.

We understand and we can help. At Spaces of Grace, we’ve created a “meaning-full” but short Advent study to keep you connected with God — in just 15 minutes a day. It’s called Re-Advent Your Life: 28 Days of Small, Daily Steps to Transformation.

Advent devotional

Devotionals for Advent

We’ve designed this Advent devotional study to deliver big results as you identify one thing God wants you to re-advent in your life this season. Each day you’ll answer three questions and choose one small step on your way to your bigger goal.

We’d love to have you join us. Just click on the link above or below to get detailed information about the study and/or to sign up.

So, bake those cookies, trim the tree, and re-advent your life too.

                                                  Click below.⬇️

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