Spaces of Grace Body, Soul, and Spirit

On this page, you’ll find blog posts divided into each topic of body, soul, and spirit. At Spaces of Grace, we’re passionate about learning how to care for ourselves in all three ways. Because as women, we’re always caring for others. And if we’re not healthy and strong, we won’t have anything to give. Join us in the conversation. We’d love to hear what’s important to you in your life. 




3 Top Ways to Renew Your Body for Spring, Part 1

3 Top Ways to Renew Your Body for Spring, Part 1

My 10-year-old self could sense something different in the air. I inhaled deeply. It smelled like … spring! After several months of a frigid, snowy Michigan winter, my nose told me the seasons were changing. It was a mingling of sun-warmed soggy earth with a hint of...

Feeling Weird Because of Seasonal Changes?

Feeling Weird Because of Seasonal Changes?

Changing Season Changing Body & Mind With a huge yawn I forced myself out of my comfy chair and cozy blanket where I’d dozed after a busy day. I might as well get ready for bed. I walked into the kitchen to switch off the over-the-sink light and glanced at the...

Fab 15-Minute Healthy Habits for Your Body

Fab 15-Minute Healthy Habits for Your Body

Have you ever wanted to wave a magic wand and fix your body in 15 minutes? I have too, but, unfortunately, it’s never worked for me. Probably not you either.  Body Image When I was a teen, I was obsessed with my body image. Since childhood, I have been overly skinny,...

The Parable of the Soap Dish

The Parable of the Soap Dish

My knuckles turned white, while my fingers cramped. I hope she didn't notice this grubby soap dish while she was washing her hands, I thought to myself. I looked at my soap dish as I continued to scrub at the residue embedded on the sides of my plastic soap dish. My...

Dormancy: Feeling Stuck

Dormancy: Feeling Stuck

  I slumped in my cluttered office staring at a blank document on my laptop. I wanted to plan my next project, but my thoughts felt as cloudy, gray, and oppressive as the sky out my office window.   My creative well was dry.                “What is wrong with...

Jesus Loved

Jesus Loved

Why did Judas betray Jesus? Jesus loved him. Why did Judas do it? Why did he betray Jesus? Jesus loved him. He was one of the Twelve Jesus chose to walk with Him day by day for three years. How could he do it?  Judas saw the good, the love, the care, the healing and...

The Potter and the Clay

The Potter and the Clay

The Potter and the Clay   When my oldest son was just a little boy, I entered him in the three-year-old clay class at a nature center. As I was a stay-at-home mom, this was my little guy’s first venture into the big world without his mother, and we were both a little...

God is With Us

God is With Us

I never noticed it before. One of the most beautiful verses of the Bible, "Be still and know that I am God," is recorded in a most unexpected place. Be still and know seems like it should be part of the lyrical peace of Psalm 23. After all, it's easy to be still when...

Journey through Lent

Journey through Lent

For dust you are and to dust you shall return. Genesis 3:19 NKJV Ash Wednesday I grew up going to church with my family on Ash Wednesday. Every year we quietly lined up to receive the ashes in the sign of the cross on our foreheads. As I walked back to my seat,...

Take Care of Your Body, Soul, and Spirit

Thanks for stopping by. We know your life is busy. You’re taking care of others, like children, spouses, and parents. You probably don’t have much time to call your own. We understand. We’re here to offer resources to help you connect with God and care for yourself body, soul, and spirit – even if you just have a few minutes. 

women are caregivers

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician. Please consult your healthcare professional regarding any physical, mental, or emotional conditions.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. We share links to resources we love and recommend/use. Thank you for supporting our ministry. 

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