Grow a Potted Plant with Sarah Lewis

Grow a Potted Plant with Sarah Lewis

Many years ago I dreamed of planting a garden. But I lived in an apartment, was newly married, and had just started a job. It didn’t seem like an ideal time. I wish I had known then what I know now. If that is your situation, keep reading! Plant🪴Mama Sarah Lewis...
Food as Medicine, Part 1

Food as Medicine, Part 1

Food as medicine may be a phrase that you’ve heard. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates is credited with saying what God knew all along: “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be food.”  Through much of my life, I have not lived up to that ideal. I grew up...
Fresh Food

Fresh Food

It’s safe to say that as a child, my family, like many Americans, ate a diet fairly high in sugar, carbs, and processed foods — and I loved it! Every morning my six-year-old self munched on my favorite breakfast of Cap’n Crunch. For lunch, I packed a Honey Loaf and ...

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