Inheritance, Part 3: 5 Verses Study on Ephesians

by | Dec 29, 2022 | Spirit | 0 comments


Written by Mary Kane

December 29, 2022

Inheritance, Part 3: 5 Verses Study on Ephesians. Welcome! Ephesians is well known for its life changing verses about the spiritual armor of God. In chapter 1 we read one reason God has given us us His armor, to protect our inheritance in Christ Jesus. Start this week’s study by reading the verses below.
11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.
13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,
14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.
15 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints,

Inheritance Day 1: Read

Take a moment to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you through your study time. ask Him to make your heart alert to the truths He’s teaching you today.

  1. Now please read Ephesians 1:11-15 silently and reflectively.
  2. Next read Ephesians 1:11-15 again out loud.
  3. Finally read the passage one more time and note in your journal any words or verses that seem to jump off the page.
  4. To deepen your word study of this passage click on the links in the passage above. Or go to Blue Letter Bible and do your own word study by following the instructions below:
    • Click the BlueLetterBible link, click the tools button by the verse you want to study
    • Click the interlinear tab, then click on the Strong’s number to get information about a particular word
    • To gain more information about a word, try clicking on a few other links such as Vine’s Expository Dictionary: View Entry, any links under Root Word (Etymology) near the top of the page, or read the information under Strong’s Definitions or Thayer’s Greek Lexicon.
  5. Next read Ephesians 1:11-15 one more time and make any final notes in your journal.
  6. Finally end your study time in prayer.

Remember: God has given you an inheritance. And your inheritance, which has been decreed from eternity, has been given to you to use to fulfill your purpose on earth. Spend it all. Pout it all out.

Proclaim: I have an inheritance in Christ Jesus.

Inheritance Day 2: Read and Write

Before you start today’s study time, take a moment to pray for the Holy Spirit guidance. Today we are focusing on the best-practice of writing.

  1. First please read Ephesians 1:11-15 silently and reflectively.
  2. Now read Ephesians 1:11-15 out loud.
  3. Next get your journal and copy Ephesians 1:11-15 in your journal. This will only take about 5 minutes.
  4. After you have written verses 11-15, highlight or underline any words or phrases that stand out to you.
  5. Next read the passage one more time.
  6. Finally write in your journal what God is saying to you today through His Word.
  7. In closing take 5 minutes to pray and thank God for what He has taught you today.

Remember you have a purpose to live out on this earth. God picked you, gifted you and predestined you to do very specific things only you can do. What do you dream about doing? It’s never too late to use your inheritance for the good of others.

Proclaim: God has given me an inheritance so I will bring Him great glory!

Inheritance Day 3: Read and Study

Open your study time in prayer. Ask God to speak directly to Your heart through His Holy Word. Today our focus is on study questions. Ask God to give you His wisdom to receive and apply His Word in all you do today.

  1. First please read Ephesians 1:11-15 silently and reflectively.
  2. Now read Ephesians 1:11-15 out loud.
  3. Next read and answer the following questions in your journal.
    1. What have we obtained? (verse 11)? Notice God did not say earned.
    2. When did God decide we would have this inheritance (verse 11)? Hint: click on the predestined link
    3. Why did we receive our inheritance (verse 11)?
    4. How does God work out all things (verse 11)?
    5. What is one result of His will (verse 12)?
    6. What causes people to trust in Christ (verse 13)?
    7. What happens to a person after they believe in Christ (verse 13)?
    8. Why are we sealed with the Holy Spirit (verse 14)?
    9. What repeated words and/or phrases are used in these verses?
    10. What do you wonder about your inheritance in Jesus?

Remember an inheritance is something an heir receives upon the death of another. Who died for you to receive your spiritual inheritance? An inheritance is also something one receives because of their birth into a family; it has nothing to do with earning or paying; it happens simply because you were born. Thank your Holy Father for the inheritance you received because you’ve accepted Jesus as your Savior, and that you have been born again into His family.

Proclaim: I have an inheritance because I am a child of God!

Inheritance Day 4: Read and Pray

Please take a moment and to focus your mind and heart on God. Now pray for God’s revelation as you study His Word. Ask God to use his Holy Word to change your heart and renew your mind in Christ Jesus.

  1. First please read Ephesians 1:11-15 silently and reflectively.
  2. Now please read Ephesians 1:11-15 out loud. Is God showing you anything new today? Write what God is showing you in your journal.
  3. Next turn Ephesians 1:11-15 into a prayer. For example verse 11 says, “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.” You can pray this verse back to God. Father, I thank You that I have obtained an inheritance. You chose me according to Your purposes. I thank you that You want me so much that You sent Jesus to die on the cross for me. It is Your will, not my idea, that I follow You. Amen.
  4. Continue to pray each verse back to God.
  5. Finally, record in your journal any insights you received from God today.

Remember, long before you were born, God predestined you to receive an inheritance. Knowing all that would happen in your life (everything), He chose you, not by accident, but for great purpose. You are chosen. You are gifted. You are purposed and sealed. NOTHING in heaven or on earth can steal your inheritance. Take a moment and for once rest and be loved in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Proclaim: I am chosen. I cam gifted. I am sealed by the Holy Spirit and NO ONE can take my inheritance.

Inheritance Day 5: Read and Summarize

Welcome. Please take a moment and pray the following prayer: Father, I thank You for what You have been teaching me through Your Holy Word. Please open my heart to what You want me to learn during this study time. I thank You for how You are changing me through Your Word. Amen.

  1. First please reread our verses for the week.
  2. Now in your journal, go back and summarize verses 11-15 in your own words. Please do not skip this step. God has shown me amazing insights during the summarizing process. Click on the links in Ephesians 1:11-15 again if you need help to help with your summarizing.
  3. What are your biggest takeaways this week? Record them in your journal.
  4. Finally what difference does it make in your life to know that you have an inheritance in Christ Jesus? Write your answer in your journal.

Remember you have been predestined, purposed and sealed by the Holy Spirit, according to the counsel of God’s will.

Proclaim: God has given me an inheritance and He is GREATLY please with me!

Thank you for joining me in your study time this week. If you missed the first week of study, or If you wish to learn more about the book of Ephesians please click on the links below.

By Mary Kane

All rights reserved. Copyright 2022.


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