Fresh Thoughts: Don’t Spiral Into Toxic Thinking

Fresh Thoughts: Don’t Spiral Into Toxic Thinking

Have you ever struggled through a problem in your life, gained victory, and then succumbed to it yet again? It’s a real downer.  For about 18 months I fell into an up-and-down pattern of struggling with depressing, anxious thoughts. This after living for years with...
Fresh Food

Fresh Food

It’s safe to say that as a child, my family, like many Americans, ate a diet fairly high in sugar, carbs, and processed foods — and I loved it! Every morning my six-year-old self munched on my favorite breakfast of Cap’n Crunch. For lunch, I packed a Honey Loaf and ...
Migraine Relief Journey: Healing My Vertigo

Migraine Relief Journey: Healing My Vertigo

Please note: If you do not suffer from vertigo during a migraine, this information may still be helpful. Migraine is a strange ailment with a multitude of symptoms that differ from person to person and sometimes attack to attack. But no matter your pattern of...

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