Meaning of the Parables: The Sacred Everyday Words of Jesus

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Spirit | 0 comments


Written by Jane VanOsdol

August 7, 2023

We all love a good story. One that draws us in from the beginning. One where we love to love the hero and love to hate the villain. One where we may even see ourselves in the characters.

Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables?

Jesus knew the power of stories. He knew some of his audience were not open to His message, but some of them were. So He told stories, or parables, where he could teach heavenly principles by relating them to earthly stories and circumstances His listeners could identify with and understand.

Jesus was ushering in God’s kingdom, which would look much different than what many of the Jews were expecting. They were expecting a Messiah who would come in and rescue them from Rome. Through the Parables Jesus gave His listeners stories to ponder that contained the truth about what was important in the Kingdom of God.

At Spaces of Grace, we invite you to go on a  journey with us as we explore the meaning of a few favorite parables. Our free, streamlined study will be delivered to you each week through your email in a digital weekly calendar format with activities for each day of the week, Monday-Friday.

Weekly Parable Activities

  • Read the parable.
  • Listen to the parable.
  • Write the parable.
  • Explore the meaning of the parable in the Bible through word study.
  • Dive deeper with suggested resources, which are live links in the calendar.
  • Apply the meaning to your own life with thought-provoking questions.

We’ll explore some of our favorite parables, starting with the Parable of the Potter and the Clay in Jeremiah. If you’ve always wanted to know more about the meaning of the parables and how they apply to your life, join us!

How Do I Sign Up?

If you’ve already signed up, thank you! If you haven’t, simply sign up on the waitlist form above. We’ll send out a few reminder emails as we get closer to the September 4 launch of Parables: The Sacred Everyday Words of Jesus. Then, on Monday, September 4, and each Monday in September, you’ll receive your new weekly study. Remember, it is free. We’ll also offer the option to purchase the entire study in a digital document as well. Stay tuned!


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