Good Friday: Judas and Jesus

by | Apr 15, 2022 | Soul | 0 comments


Written by Mary Kane

April 15, 2022

Good Friday: Judas and Jesus

As Christians, on this day, we are often torn between sorrow and thankfulness. We are sorrowful because Jesus suffered and died on the cross, and thankful because Jesus took our place and suffered and died on the cross. As I was studying to write this devotional, I learned something new about Good Friday—Jesus wasn’t the only one who died on Good Friday, Judas died as well. Good Friday is a contrast between Judas and Jesus.

Judas Jesus
killed himself sacrificed himself
his will His Father’s will
hanged on a tree hanged on a cross
guilty innocent
died for his sins died for our sins
destruction salvation
Potter’s Field an empty tomb
30 pieces of silver the blood of Christ

Good Friday: Judas

When I was younger I used to hate Judas because he betrayed our Lord for thirty pieces of silver. As Christians, we would never do that…or would we? Haven’t there been times when we have chosen other things over Christ? Time with Christ can be easily replaced with controversial TV programs, questionable movies, and provocative books. However, we don’t always replace time with Jesus with bad things; time with Him can be replaced with good things as well, such as exercise, music, knitting or reading.

Good Friday: Judas and Jesus

Now that I’m older I feel fear and sorrow over the life of Judas. Fear, because one could walk so physically close with Jesus and still not have a heart for Him; sorrow, because Judas’ life did not have to end the way he chose. Jesus went to the cross for Judas as well. Instead of turning to Christ to solve his guilt and sin problem, Judas turned to death. The legacy of Judas could have been one of grace and forgiveness. Have you placed anything above God in your life? How can you fix this error?


Dearest Holy Father,

Thank you that Jesus went to the cross for every one of my sins. Thank you that but may boldly come  and confess my sin to You. You are faithful and just to forgive me of my sin and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

Thank you, Jesus, for going to the cross in my place. I accept your death on the cross as payment for my sin. Help me to love You and follow You all the days of my life.

In Jesus Holy Name, Amen.

(If you have not yet accepted Christ as your personal Savior, please take a moment and ask Him to come into your heart right now. There is no better time to become a Christian than Easter time!)

By Mary Kane

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