For this is what the Lord of Hosts says: consider carefully your ways. Haggai 1:7
Reflection Helps Us Get Unstuck
Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut?I know I have. Some ruts look like depression. Some may involve a struggle with a quick temper. Another could be a dead-end job that you should have left long ago. God has an answer for us, and it will involve some reflection on your part.
Consider your heart.
The original Hebrew word used for consider is sum. Sum means to direct the mind toward, or pay attention to. In English the verse reads “consider carefully your ways.” But the original Hebrew adds another level of meaning to this verse. The Hebrew includes the word heart. My rendition of this verse reads consider carefully what’s at the heart of your ways.
Consider carefully.
What does the word say we are to carefully consider or spend time in reflection on? Check the verse. Our ways. The Hebrew word for ways is one of my favorites–derek. Derek means a path, a journey, the direction, course and manner of your life. The heart of your beliefs will direct your path, where you are headed in life, and where you will end up.
Where are you headed?
What are some of the ways or habits of your life? Are your habits aiding you on your journey? I have a few ways I need to exchange for healthier ways. I’m working on trading negativity for a positive outlook, expecting God’s blessings instead of trouble, and seeing myself as God made me.
Consider a few new ways
What changes do you need to make concerning your ways? Spend some time in reflection on your goals for this year. Pray and ask God to show you if you need to consider making some changes. A few new ways will keep us on God’s path for our lives.
Week 4 Journal Activities
- Spend some time in prayer and reflection asking God what ruts or ways you may be wallowing in that need to change. Perhaps it’s obvious to you what that something is. But if it isn’t, ask one or two people who are close to you that you trust what weaknesses they may see in you. Once you have identified the rut, write it down and ask God for some clarification on how you can change this.
- Now write down what new ways/habits you want to incorporate in place of the old. Ask God for a plan to make these changes. Record all of this in your journal.
- Feel free to share any thoughts/insights/questions in the comments. We’d love to hear what’s on your mind.

The part of carefully considering my ways is ringing through my mind. Over the last several years, the world has thrown away God-given truth and has instead embraced and promoted lies of the enemy — things that have no basis in reality, truth, or science. These lies are and will bring about great harm to our children and society. I need to use God’s yardstick of truth and choose my steps wisely.
The rut that I have been working on (over the last 2 years) is to rid my mind of toxic thinking patterns and to renew my mind. God’s word tells us we must renew our minds (Romans 12:2). This is SO important. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we receive a new spirit. But we don’t receive a new mind. Our souls are made up of our mind, emotions, and wills. God does not give us a new one of these because this is where our personality, the essence of who we are is. Instead, He tells us to renew our minds. Praise God, I have made a lot of progress on breaking toxic thinking patterns and negative strongholds in my life. I know this is something I must work on everyday to be transformed into His image.
Yes, reading, seeing and hearing God’s truths and Word each day help me to redirect my thinking and attention. I try to start most days with a devotion time, at some point work on a Bible reading or study. And, listening to Christian radio, praise and worship music through out my day makes such a huge difference.
Yes, reading, seeing and hearing God’s truths and Word each day help me to redirect my thinking and attention. I try to start most days with a devotion time, at some point work on a Bible reading or study. And, listening to Christian radio, praise and worship music through out my day makes such a huge difference.