This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him. Matthew 17:5
Listen to Jesus.
With all your heart soul mind and strength. Listen to Him. Why? Because when Jesus talks, things happen. Mountains move, storms cease. The lame leap. The sick are healed. The dead live again. When this Man talks, I want to hear what He has to say. I need this kind of Word in my life. Life giving words from the mouth of our Savior. Listen to Him. Listen to the Word speak words of life to you.
The Greek word for listen used in this passage is akouo which means to hear, attend, consider, understand, to learn. Biblical hearing also includes an element of obedience. When we hear the words of our Father, we need to obey Him, not out of fear, but for the joy He has set before us.
Listen to Him.
One way we listen to Jesus is by reading His Word. The Bible is a book about God written to all people, every tribe, every tongue, everywhere. His words are full of love, truth, grace, forgiveness and peace. Remember, Jesus never speaks words of blame, shame, or condemnation. Shame words come from the enemy. Listen only to Jesus.
Week 3 Journal Activities
- This week we will be practicing listening in our quiet time. The Bible tells us that we can hear God’s voice. “The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27 AMP. Here’s a suggestion to try this week. (I have to say when I read this, it rocked me because, honestly, I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it.) Pastor Tim Lundy suggests that we dare to listen with humility. What that means is to get quiet and ask God these two questions: “What do you think about my life?” and “What should I be doing?”This may take some wrestling through.
- Now, we’ll share a suggestion from author Bob Sorge. In his book Secrets of the Secret Place, he says, “When listening, it is a common experience to be bombarded with thoughts about all that must be done in our daily duties. A practical suggestion: Take a notepad to the secret place, and write down things to do as they interrupt your listening.” Then you will be able to focus on hearing God and not worried about forgetting what you need to do later.
- Feel free to share any thoughts/insights/questions in the comments. We’d love to hear what’s on your mind.

I’m reflecting on the thought that when Jesus talks things happen. As we take in God’s words, the same can be true for us. The Word can move mountains in my life, change me, motivate me, guide me to live my life in a way that glorifies God. When I speak God’s words of truth and believe them, I can drive away the lies of the enemy. But I have to first listen to make that happen.
My best time to listen to God during the week is first thing in the morning. Then I try mini-refreshers throughout the day by listening to podcasts, offering a prayer, saying a scripture from memory. I’ve also posted my siLent weekly prayer calendar on the fridge so I can pray that as I walk by it. I need to remind myself to listen.
As I reflect on today’s verse from James, I am reminded that while I am to be sift to listen, I need to guard what I am listening too. What am I allowing to speak into my life to guide and inform my steps and decisions. I need to be swift to listen to GOD and His holy word. But there are some voices I need to shut down.
This verse also brings to mind the need to think before I speak, especially in this day of Facebook fights and Twitter battles. I do not need to respond to every comment. Think. Let 24 hours go by before hitting post or send.
Listen to Jesus. Respond and talk to Him. Let His words and truth be your guide. Amen.