For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. Psalm 62:5
Nothing anyone else says matters. No other opinion makes any difference. Only Jesus. Only the words of my Father to me. I must silence all other voices and wait on my Father’s words. What does He say? What is His plan? What are His words for me? Father, You are my only hope.
I wait in silence.
In the original Greek, silence transliterates as damam. This word and its parts are rich with meaning. First, there is a connection between waiting and silence. I appreciate this portion of the definition. While we are waiting for God to act (Thy will be done) we rest and wait in silence because we trust Him. We silence the voices of others, we silence our voice of doubt and fear and we silence the voice of the enemy.
What does God say in the silence?
Despit our circumstances, our experiences, or our fear, what does God say? Speak His word into your heart and rest and wait in silence for Him.
Damam also contains an element of the miraculous. In your silent trusting and waiting, God is working something astonishing for you. You will be amazed with Him.
Utterly undone by silence.
The root word of damam is dama, which means to be utterly undone, “a prophet at sight of Yaweh” (BDB, 2002). God will meet with you in your quiet watchful waiting. Nothing the world offers can begin to compare. Father, during this season of silence, we silence all other voices and ask to be utterly undone by your Holy Presence. Amen.
Week 1 Journal Activities
- This week we will be learning more about the spiritual discipline of silence. How do you go about cultivating silence in your quiet time? Here’s one suggestion: Let’s use our theme Bible verse for this week, Psalm 62:5, and make it into a breath prayer. For example, inhale and say “I wait in silence for you, Lord” then exhale and say “for my hope comes from you.” Do this several times until you feel calm and quiet.
- Now wait. Listen for how the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. He may pop a certain scripture into your mind, a word, a thought, a theme, or insight about a problem you are facing. Write what you are hearing in your journal. How do you know this is God’s voice? First, what you are hearing from God will never violate scripture. Next, look for God to confirm it in other ways, from other sources.
- Feel free to share any thoughts/insights/questions in the comments. We’d love to hear what’s on your mind.

I love to use breath prayers. My mind often feels scattered in the morning when I first get up as I contemplate the day. They help to calm and settle me.
SiLent Day 1: My soul waits silently from God alone, for my expectation is from Him.
Silence is a sign of trust, I don’t need to speak about doubts or fears. O can be silent because my hope is in God alone. Not myself, or my friends or my husband. Biblical hope doesn’t mean we are hoping God acts or hoping he really exists, Biblical hope is a knowing. I can continue because with God there is always a next step, another grace, a healing, a growing.
The word expectation pops out at me. is literally means a cord that binds, to bind together. I have hope because I am bound to Christ, nothing can separate me from His love, so I have great hope today, tomorrow and forever Amen!
Thank you for giving me my 2022 Lent Focus Verse. Psalm 62:5
Grace and Peace be yours and same blessing to all, in Jesus’s precious name.
Beautiful! Thank you for blessing us. This verse is special. It reminds me to slow down, quiet my soul, and wait on God. So glad you joined us for siLent.
Thank you! His name is very precious and I am always in need of grace and peace!
Day 2: Today I am going to take some time from my busy day to be siLent before the Lord. I am always busy with bringing Him my words. Today I want to “unbusy” myself and listen for what He wants to say to me. “It is good that she waits silently for the salvation of the Lord.” God is working His salvation through every part of your life, your work, relationships, family, service, etc. Wait silently for His healing and grace.
This morning I received an email from Life Changers Church. It reads, “”Listening is the secret to success in all areas of our life. Listen to God…there is power and wisdom to be found in our silent listening.
In a day that has been filled with uncertainty, stilling myself, and breathing the scripture is calming and brings a peace to my life. It allows me to feel my Heavenly Father wrap his arms around me and reassure me that He is right here with me and I do not need to fear uncertain things.
June, thank you. I love the way you described the Heavenly Father wrapping His arms around you. That has encouraged me today too. Right now the world seems anything but calm, but you have reminded us that our peace doesn’t depend on our circumstances but on God’s unchanging character.
June, God is always tending to His Word! We we are speaking and praying His word He is working a harvest in our lives. Thank you for sharing!
Day 5: And Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves and said “Peace, be still!” I went back and read this portion of Scripture (Mark 4:35-41) and a few things stuck out to me.
First, there were other boats in the water with Jesus’ boat. I never noticed that before. I’m not sure of the significance but I found it interesting.
Second, when you are “crossing over to the other side” of heartache, loss, hardship, mistakes, Jesus is with you in your boat. When it seems all is lost, you’re taking on water, YOU AREN’T LOST. There is still hope even in the last moments because Jesus, the God of Hope, is with you in the boat.
Third, this weapon (the storm) that was forged against you will not defeat you. As a matter of fact it may even work for you, driving you quicker to the other side. God uses all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Finally, Jesus is in your boat, He is your boat, so keep rowing and speaking His Word to that storm. Peace be still. Amen.
All such great insights. Yes, we all cross over through the storms and tragedies in our lives, but we can take great comfort that Jesus is in the boat with us leading us through.