Schedule Your Day: Small Changes Big Results

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Podcast, Soul | 0 comments


Written by Jane VanOsdol

July 2, 2024

Have you ever heard Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,”?

You’ll hear that and much more in podcast #2 in our Little Tweaks: Small Changes Big Results series at Spaces of Grace. Be sure to Listen to #1 The Little Things

Simple, thoughtful planning can help us take charge of our days and keep us on the path God has for us. Today we’re going to talk about how to schedule your day.

We have a great example. Our Lord was the Master Scheduler. After all, He created the whole world in just 7 days!

What To Expect in Today’s Podcast

  1. We’ll explore a few people in the Bible who planned their days.
  2. We’ll discuss our own struggles and attempts with scheduling our days.
  3. We’ll share our favorite tips and resources. 
  4. We’ll ask you to try our Today’s Challenge!

We know you’re busy; that’s why our podcast is usually under 15 minutes. We’re certain you’ll find a nugget to help you!

Click below to listen or go to your iTunes app to download our podcast. If you like it, please give us a rating.

Have you set a Today’s Challenge Goal? Let us know in the comments.

Podcast Resources

  1. Bloom Ultimate Calendar
  2. To-Do List Notepad
  3. Google Calendar
  4. Thrive in 30 Worksheet. FIll out the form below to get your free copy of a printable worksheet. It is also a fillable pdf so you can use it on your tablet, phone, or computer.


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