Plant a Few Seeds

by | Jul 14, 2021 | Spirit | 2 comments


Written by Mary Kane

July 14, 2021

I was feeling a little discouraged the other day. As I looked through my spiral bound index of Bible memory verses, I noted I had been meditating on some of the verses for years. Verses such as a “soft answer turns away wrath.”  Unfortunately given the morning argument with my husband (where I had to have the last word) it seems I’ve made very little progress in this area. Father, why do I still struggle with this? Why is it taking so long for this verse to impact my behavior? After all, when God speaks His word, BAM!– things happen instantly, right? Yet I continue to struggle with the same issue for years. What am I doing wrong? Let’s take a look at what God says about how to plant a few seeds of His word in our lives.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper season we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

There are some deep transformational truths in Galatians 6:9. First, God gives us a little encouragement. Let us not become weary in doing good. If you are like me, starting something new is fresh and exciting until it isn’t. That long middle part that becomes tiresome. How do we stop feeling weary when we are weary? From what I have learned, this part of the verse is not so much about feelings as it is about not acting on those feelings. When we grow weary we often we quit. Let’s change that today. No quitting. We are going to continue trying to do the right things regardless of how long they take to accomplish.

The proper planting time

Second, there is that little phrase at the proper time. In the Greek this phrase transliterates as idios karios (l love how that rolls off the tongue!) Idios means belonging to one’s self, a time suitable to the matter at hand. From these definitions we infer God has a very personalized learning plan for your life. He is working to help you transform into the image of Christ according to the timing that will best benefit you. We don’t give up, we don’t sit back, we continue to do the work of praying, memorizing, and planting the seeds of scripture into our circumstances. Then we leave the transformation timing up to God.

Right on time

Karios means the right time, the opportune or seasonable time, a fixed and definite time. In this defintion we see assurance that God will finish the work He started in us. He is faithful to complete it, so trust the timing to Him. The idios karios is in His hands.

From seeds to fruit

Finally, this verse gives us a promise: If we do not give up, we will reap a harvest. I did a little research and it appears  two months is the quickest turn around from seed to harvest. However, harvesting from fruit trees can take years. For Christians the planting and harvesting cycle mimics the process of transformational spiritual growth and it takes time. God has a very specific karios growth plan for you that will take you from seed to fruit, if you do not give up. Despite the lengthy energy-intensive process, growth is happening. Hang in there!

So how does this seed to harvest cycle work in real life?

  1. God shows you a need. He lovingly brings to your attention an area of your life which He wants to transform.
  2. You plant some seeds. Next, read the Bible and look for verses that speak to your heart. Ask God to bring you a verse that directly applies to your need. Then plant the seed of God’s word by thinking, speaking, and praying the scripture into your circumstances.
  3. Pull the weeds. Ask God to show you what you need to pull out of your life that is interrupting your spiritual growth (certain entertainment choices, friends, habits etc).
  4. Bring in the sheaves. Don’t forget about the harvest. Don’t leave the crops in the field to wither on the vine. Take what God has done in your life and share it with others.

During our seasons of tears, hardships, struggles, and obstacles, caused by others or ourselves, if we will walk on and continually plant the seed of God’s Word we will reap a harvest of righteousness, goodness, and rejoicing. He promises. Cross His heart and hope to die.

How is God transforming your life? 

Please leave me a comment below. I’d love to chat with you!

By Mary Kane

all rights reserved. copyright 2021


DO you want more information on spiritual transformation? See the resources below.

Joyce Meyer, Upgrade Part 2

Gregory Dickow, The Power of a Right Mind

The Lord is Near




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