Little Steps To Reach Your Dreams With Beth Jones

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Podcast, Soul | 0 comments


Written by Jane VanOsdol

July 23, 2024

What dreams are hiding in your heart?

Perhaps they’ve been languishing for years, or maybe you’ve just recently discovered them. Either way, today we’re encouraging you to bring them into God’s light to seek His guidance.

Speaker, Author,📚 & Coach Beth Jones

To help us do that we’ve invited Beth Jones to the podcast. Beth knows something about how to reach dreams. She is an International Speaker, Author of 30 books, and a Coach of writers and speakers. Her mission is to encourage women to use their gifts for God’s glory, to fulfill their purpose, and to live a life they love.

How To Reach Your Dreams 1 Step at a Time

On the podcast, Beth shares a plan to help you realize your dreams.

  1. Prayer. We can discern God’s plans for our dreams by praying and reading His word. Don’t rush. Wait on His timing.
  2. Preparation. Taking the first step is important because people tend to procrastinate. Preparation may also involve investing in ourselves to reach our dreams.
  3. Pursue. Don’t be a “wisher.” Be a do-er! Take action and learn to finish what you start.
  4. Q&A with Beth

Today’s Podcast is part of our series, Which includes The Little Things, Schedule Your Day, and Grow a Potted Plant with Sarah Lewis. Click below to listen or go to your iTunes or Spotify apps to download our podcast. (If you like it, please give us a rating. Thank you!)

Podcast Resources 

  1. Beth’s Website
  2. Beth’s Books on her Amazon Author Page
  3. Beth’s Walking With God book (our affiliate link)

 Thanks for listening, and we pray you are encouraged by Beth’s teaching. We’d love to hear what dream you’re trying to reach. Leave us a note in the comments.

For more information, check out our Spaces of Grace website. 

Beth giving her signature talk, The Cinderella Story: Your big dreams can come true!


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