How To Rejoice in Difficult Times

by | Feb 18, 2025 | Soul | 0 comments


Written by Jane VanOsdol

February 18, 2025

How To Rejoice When You Don’t Feel Like It

When you’ve just received a long-awaited job promotion, your child is excelling in life, or your marriage is humming along, it’s easy to rejoice. But what about the other times — like when your kitchen floods into the basement, your mechanic gives you a $$$ bill, or your spouse loses his job?

Well, if you did Mary’s Take 5 Bible study, Rejoice, recently, you saw that God calls us to rejoice and endure in times of testing. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been great at that. It just doesn’t come naturally, at least not for me! I had to put some thought and prayer into this one. So, let’s consider some ways we can rejoice in the middle of hardships.

Rest in the Lord

Psalm 37:7 tells us to rest in the Lord, but what exactly does that mean? The Hebrew word for rest is damam, and according to, it is often used in the context of being still or quiet while in the presence of the Lord. It can also mean a person who ceases from activity in anticipation of God’s action. Hmm. Perhaps I need to stop trying to fix things in my own power and rest in the Lord by praying and trusting that He is already at work. I can then wait for Him to direct me on anything I need to do. Action: Identify one area where you need to rest in the Lord.

Elevate Others

I am so often consumed by my own life and what I need to do to further myself that I miss others’ needs. However, helping elevate someone else to reach their goal is a joy God doesn’t want us to miss. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to encourage one another and build each other up. Getting my eyes off myself always makes me happy. When I bless someone else, I am blessed in return. Action: What do you need to take a break from today so you have time and space to help another?

Join A Group

Sometimes when our lives are lacking in joy, it’s because we are spending too much time by ourselves. Socializing and having significant relationships connects us with others and grounds us. God planned for us to exist in community, and it strengthens us in body, soul, and spirit. Action: Identify one group you can join where you can be loved and supported. It could be a church, a hobby-centered group, or old or new friends. I am doing this myself tonight by trying out a support group for writers.

Overcome ...

Obstacles have a way of taking over our perspective and stealing our joy. The problem becomes seemingly huge, dwarfing any progress we’ve already made. The key is to pray through it, of course, and then take a determined step: Rob the obstacle of its power in your life by breaking it down into smaller steps you can tackle one at a time. Action: Identify the obstacle that has you paralyzed. Make a list of smaller steps you can take to overcome it and start the first one. 

Identify #1 Goal

When we have a goal we’re working toward, it gives us joy as we make progress. Mary and I both use vision boards and find they make us more purposeful in our daily lives. Action: Pray about your #1 goal for 2025. Write it down or draw it on a card and post it somewhere you will see it often. Then, like you did for the obstacle, break it into smaller steps and start working through them.

Create Regularly

God is our Creator. Out of wisdom, His word, and His breath, He created everything. It was and is a joyous event. Within each one of us, He has also planted seeds of creativity. Recently, I felt the Lord saying to me that I need to priotize time for creativity in my life. I’ve found that when I don’t, I stifle the Spirit’s inspiration and shrivel my creativity. It has become one of my goals for 2025 to  spend time creating each week. Action: Choose a creative activity and start working on it. Perhaps you want to learn something new, or maybe you want to revive an old favorite. The important thing is to get creating!


When challenging circumstances hit, the last thing you may feel you have the time or energy for is exercise. But in addition to strengthening your body, exercise is a natural stress reliever. It just may be exactly what you need to do. Even if all you can manage is a 10-minute walk, do it. I’ve found that once I get myself moving, it lifts my mood and often triggers other positive thoughts and actions. Action: Choose an exercise you like and do it for at least 10 minutes several times a week, more if your schedule allows.

Don’t Give Up in Hard Times

This week, try one of the suggestions on how to rejoice in difficult times. Often, simply taking one small step will reignite hope as you work through challenges. Let us know what you decide and how we can pray for you by leaving a comment below.

God bless you!


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