by Mary Kane | Jun 16, 2024 | Soul
My knuckles turned white, while my fingers cramped. I hope she didn’t notice this grubby soap dish while she was washing her hands, I thought to myself. I looked at my soap dish as I continued to scrub at the residue embedded on the sides of my plastic soap...
by Jane VanOsdol | May 29, 2024 | Soul
I slumped in my cluttered office staring at a blank document on my laptop. I wanted to plan my next project, but my thoughts felt as cloudy, gray, and oppressive as the sky out my office window. My creative well was dry. “What is wrong with...
by Mary Kane | Mar 27, 2024 | Soul
Why did Judas betray Jesus? Jesus loved him. Why did Judas do it? Why did he betray Jesus? Jesus loved him. He was one of the Twelve Jesus chose to walk with Him day by day for three years. How could he do it? Judas saw the good, the love, the care, the healing and...
by Mary Kane | Jan 8, 2024 | Soul
Real Life Ministry Diaper changing, bottle washing, and midnight feedings did not feel like world-changing ministry opportunities. I’m not doing enough to lead others to Christ I often thought. The guilt was constant. As young mother I often felt as if I...
by Jane VanOsdol | Dec 20, 2023 | Soul
When you’re a caregiver, the holidays may be a source of added stress for many reasons. You remember how Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and all the other special days used to be before your loved one got sick or was injured. You may feel so worn out that preparing...
by Mary Kane | Dec 3, 2023 | Soul
Music is a thing in my family. Every holiday and gathering is marked by music. Families gathered round a campfire with guitars. Generations circling the piano singing with hearts and souls. Aunts and uncles. Nieces and nephews. Rocking chairs, high chairs, and wheel...
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