How To Rejoice in Difficult Times

How To Rejoice in Difficult Times

How To Rejoice When You Don’t Feel Like It When you’ve just received a long-awaited job promotion, your child is excelling in life, or your marriage is humming along, it’s easy to rejoice. But what about the other times — like when your kitchen...
Tweak Your Soul: Tips to Renewing Your Mind

Tweak Your Soul: Tips to Renewing Your Mind

Welcome to Spaces of Grace. Today we’re talking about how small tweaks to our souls can make a big difference in our minds, emotions, and will. Let’s get started with a favorite scripture. “As a man thinks in His heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7...
TimeSavers for Body, Soul, & Spirit

TimeSavers for Body, Soul, & Spirit

Can we actually “save our time”? And if we can, what are we saving it for? Today on Spaces of Grace, we’re talking about time and why it’s important not to waste it. We’re intrigued by this interesting quote, which makes us consider time...
Goal Setting

Goal Setting

I love goal setting. A couple of times a year I sit down with my planner and a pencil, and I pray over what God would have me accomplish for the coming season.  God is also a fan of goals. Proverbs 21:5 says, “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty...

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