Podcast: Taking Care of Yourself While Caring for Others, Part 2

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments


Written by Jane VanOsdol

October 15, 2021

Taking Care of Yourself while Caring for Others, Part 2

by Mary Kane and Jane VanOsdol

Today in Part 2 of this post, we are talking about women as caregivers. How do we care for ourselves when we are so busy caring for others? Do you need some practical ideas on how to do this in the midst of a busy schedule? We’ve got some for you. We discuss

  • How to fit in a quiet time including our favorite books and apps
  • How to add movement/exercise, even if you only have 10 or 15 minutes
  • How to get more fresh food in your diet
  • How to deal with pain
  • How to come to terms with a new normal
  • How to accept that we can’t do it all

We know that women don’t often put themselves high on their priority list. But, if we’re going to have the energy to care for others, we need to also take a bit of time to care for ourselves. See the Resource section below for a few of our favorite suggestions.

For a complete list of all our podcasts, please click on this link to our dedicated podcast page, and you will see instructions on how to access all the episodes. 



Lectio 365 app

You Version Bible app

Our Daily Bread app

Jesus Calling Devo by Sarah Young

Joyce Meyer Devos

Seeking God’s Face by Philip R. Reinders




Ellen Barrett

Leslie Sansone Workout

Smoothie recipe – love this recipe

*Some of these links are paid links. Thank you for supporting our ministry!


Thanks so much for listening. Let us know what you do to take care of yourself in the midst of busy days. We’d love to hear from you!

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