5 Verses Bible Study, Part 2: Accepted

by | Aug 23, 2022 | Spirit | 0 comments


Written by Mary Kane

August 23, 2022

Welcome to 5 Verses Bible Study, Part 2: Accepted

For this study we are focusing on Ephesians 1:6-10. I have changed the format of this Bible study to give you a week’s worth of Bible study content. Before you settle in for some precious time with God, get your Bible, journal and writing supplies. Now let’s study the book of Ephesians together. And remember, you are accepted! Didn’t get to work through the first week yet? Here’s Accepted, Part 1.
to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace
which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence,
having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,
10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him. Ephesians 1:6-10

Day 1: Read

Take a moment to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you through your study time.

  1. Now please read Ephesians 1:6-10 silently and reflectively.
  2. Next read Ephesians 1:6-10 again out loud.
  3. Finally read Ephesians 1:6-10 one more time and note in your journal any words or verses that seem to jump off the page.
  4. To deepen your word study of this passage click on the links in the passage above. Or go to Blue letter Bible and you can do your own word study by following the instructions below:
    • Click the BlueLetterBible link, click the tools button by the verse you want to study
    • click the interlinear tab, then click on the Strong’s number to get information about a particular word
  5. Next read Ephesians 1:6-10 one more time and make any final notes in your journal
  6. Finally end your study time in prayer.

Remember, God has redeemed and forgiven you according to the riches of His grace. His has an abundance of grace, forgiveness, and redemption for your every need. Because you are accepted you can rest in His grace.

Day 2: Read and Write

Take a moment to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you through your study time. Today we are going to focus on the best practice of writing.

  1. First please read Ephesians 1:6-10 silently and reflectively.
  2. Now read Ephesians 1:6-10 out loud.
  3. Next get your journal and copy Ephesians 1:6-10 in your journal. This will only take you about 5 minutes.
  4. After you have written verses 6-10, highlight or underline any words or phrases that stand out to you.
  5. Next read the passage one more time.
  6. Finally write in your journal what God is saying to you  today through His Word.
  7. In closing take 5 minutes to pray and thank God for what He has taught you today.

Remember no matter what challenge you face today God has given you an abundance of wisdom and prudence. He is working all things for your good and His glory. Because you are accepted in Christ, He will bring you through.

Day 3: Read and Study

Open your study time in prayer. Ask God to speak directly to Your heart through His Holy Word. Today our focus is on study questions.

  1. First please read Ephesians 1:6-10 silently and reflectively.
  2. Now read Ephesians 1:6-10 out loud.
  3. Next read and answer the following questions in your journal.
    1. Who is the Beloved (verse 6)?
    2. How are we accepted in Him (verse 6)?
    3. According to verse 7, what two things do we have because of the blood of Christ?
    4. Click on the link and record what you learn about the redemption we have in Christ.
    5. Who paid our ransom? How did He pay it (verse 7)?
    6. What does God make “abound toward” us (verses 7-8)?
    7. Why do you need an abundance of wisdom and prudence this week/month?
    8. How does God feel about the mystery of Christ in us, His plan for redemption (verse 9)?
    9. What will happen in the fullness of time (verse 10)?
    10. What do you wonder about the time when we are all finally gathered together with Christ?

Remember as you go about your day today you are accepted in Christ Jesus. Since you are accepted, please declare the following phrases, emphasizing the bold-ed word each time.

  • I am accepted in Christ
  • I am accepted in Christ.
  • I am accepted in Christ.
  • I am accepted in Christ.
  • I am accepted in Christ.
  • I am accepted in Christ.

No matter what you have done, no matter what you haven’t done, no matter where you’ve been, no matter what you’ve lost, gave away, or has been taken from you, you are accepted and greatly loved in Christ Jesus. Be blessed.

Day 4: Read and Pray

Please take a moment and ask God to focus your mind and heart on Him. Now pray for God’s revelation as you study His Word. Ask God to use his Holy Word to change your heart and renew your mind in Christ Jesus.

  1. First please read Ephesians 1:6-10 silently and reflectively.
  2. Now please read Ephesians 1:6-10 out loud. Is God showing you anything new today? Write what God is showing you in your journal.
  3. Next turn Ephesians 1:6-10 into a prayer. For example verse 6 says, “to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.” You can pray this verse back to God. Father, I thank You that You are filled with glory and grace. It is because of your great grace that I am accepted in Christ. Help me to share this gift of acceptance with my family, coworkers and strangers you bring into my life today.
  4. Continue to pray each verse back to God.
  5. Finally record in your journal any insights you received from God today.

Remember God is greatly pleased that you are His. It brings Him great pleasure to give you grace and wisdom. It is to His good pleasure to redeem and forgive you of EVERY sin. Simply put, God is very pleased with you, and you are accepted. Receive  His acceptance and be blessed.

Day 5: Read and Summarize

Please take a moment and pray the following prayer: Father, I thank You for what You have been teaching me through Your Holy Word. Please open my heart to what You want me to learn during this study time. I thank You for how You are changing me through Your Word. Amen.

  1. First please reread our verses for the week.
  2. Now in your journal, go back and rewrite verses 6-10 in your own words. Please do not skip this step. God has shown me amazing insights during the summarizing process. Click on the links in Ephesians 1:6-10 again if you need help to help with your summarizing.
  3. What are  your biggest takeaways this week? Record them in your journal.
  4. Finally what difference does it make in your life knowing that you are completely accepted in Christ Jesus? Write your answer in your journal.

Remember you are accepted, redeemed, forgiven, full of grace and wisdom. And God is waiting for the day that you will be with Him for all eternity because He loves you with all His heart, mind, soul and strength. Amen.

Thank you for joining me in your study time this week. If you missed the first week of study, or If you wish to learn more about the book of Ephesians please click on the links below.


5 Verses Bible Study: Ephesians 1:1-5, Blessings

Joyce Meyer: Ephesians 1 Bible Study

Gregory Dickow: Ephesians in 5 Minutes

God Bless!

Mary Kane

Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.


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